Posted on March 8, 2014
Training Log Tuesday 3-3-14
Sorry for the delay! As you can see I have been snowboarding for three weeks, my legs are dead! But now I’m home and it’s time to kick into gear.
This Sunday starts my triathlon training schedule and my One-Race-A-Month Kickoff.
I will be doing one organized run a month, starting with the March to Get Screened. I’m super excited my sister decided to do it with me, I’ve missed her like crazy this past three weeks and she’s always game to do a last minute crazy activity with me. Thank goodness for those people in your life that are willing to do activities with you and motivate you to stick to your goals!
Anyways, here is the training schedule I will be following below:
The Race on this Sunday will count as my 20 Minute Run and I will come home and finish the swim later in the day. It’s all a work in progress. But every once and awhile you need to take a deep breath and set new goals. After some deep soul searching in the mountains, these are my health and fitness goals that I set up for myself. We’ll see how I’ve done in 13 weeks!
– One Run/Race a Month
– Give up sweets and alcohol for Lent (It’s a good time to cleanse when you want to up your training)
– Two yoga sessions a week with my husband (This goal is for both of us because it’s important to stretch and breathe into muscles you normally don’t allow yourself time to think about or focus on)
– Follow triathlon training schedule- even if it means breaking the workouts up to more than one session a day. (Just because you have long work days or a family, doesn’t mean you can’t break up your training and fit it in!)
-Read 30 minutes a day (This is important for me to schedule in- I will put this off, but I have realized that reading allows my mind to escape and relax, it’s a way to de-stress for me. It’s time I put it as a priority, so I truly have begun writing 30 minute reading appointments into my schedule)
Find YOUR goals! Make them realistic, write them out, schedule them into your calendar like doctor’s appointments. They are important too!