Month: January 2014
Posted on January 28, 2014
Training Log Tuesday 1-28-2014
Swim Workout #1Click on the link above to see the swim workout from Monday. I’m going to post my Training Log after the week, instead of ahead. That way you know I really did it 😉 Email me …
Updated on June 19, 2015
Swim Workout #1
Warm Up: 300 Yds Freestyle (Every 4th Lap Other than Freestyle) Pyramid: 50 Fly Kick on your Stomach 100 IM Drill 150 Freestyle Drill -Thumbtip Drag …
Posted on January 27, 2014
Apple Ginger Martini
This may be more of a product review than a recipe, but here goes: I was craving Leinenkugel’s Orange Shandy thanks to some Thanksgiving festivity family withdrawals. The cold weather + long work week made me want something …
Updated on December 3, 2014
Coconut Banana Blonde Cake
This will not last long. Alan’s exact words were “why are my pieces so small?” as he finished his third one. 😉 This delicious protein coconut cake (with tons of hidden proteins), is moist and dense, with a …
Updated on June 19, 2015
A Healthy Body – Food For Thought
It’s easy to become consumed with the thoughts of losing weight, getting fit, or working off indulgences. In reality, every day we should be working to have the best body we can. We should eat the healthiest foods …