Tag: Egg Whites

Updated on June 19, 2015
Creamy Dreamy Egg Whites (Under 200 Calories!)
This is my go-to breakfast at the office lately. It’s so easy, packed with protein, and all I need in my office refrigerator is a carton of Egg Whites and a pack of Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss Light. …
Updated on December 3, 2014
Chocolate Cake w/ Chocolate Frosting
Do you ever have a failed recipe experiment? Well, I was super inspired by Kim Hoeltje’s delicous pumpkin recipes that I thought I would make fudge cookies from pumpkin and protein. MAJOR SUCCESS FAILURE. So, I quickly got …
Updated on January 12, 2015
Sweet Potato Protein Cakes
Sweet Potato Protein Cakes Serves 6 1 Medium Sweet Potato (Skin-On) 3 Tbsp. Egg Whites 3 Tbsp. Spelt Flour 1 tsp. Flax Seed 1 tsp. Chia Seed 1/2 Medium Zucchini Squash Grated 3/4 Scoop of Cellucor Cinnamon Swirl …